About BTPA

We are a non-profit organisation run by Bowen Therapists for Bowen Therapists. We outline standards that need to be met by members to work professionally within new legislastion and regulations.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Bowen therapy is a compliment to other treatments

For many who suffer with muscular pain, knowing which treatment will be most effective is often confusing with so many different types to choose from. Each therapist will tell you that their treatment is the most effective and it's difficult to always know what to expect.

Here is a quick guide to the most popular treatments so that you can make an informed decision for your health.

Bowen Technique

The Bowen Technique helps the body remember how to heal itself. The Bowen moves send neurological impulses to the brain resulting in immediate responses of muscle relaxation and pain reduction. Electrical impulses sent to the nervous system remind the body to regain normal movement in joints, muscles and tendons. This helps relieve muscle spasms and increase blood and lymph flow.  

The therapist uses thumbs and fingers to make rolling type moves on different muscles on the body. There are times when the therapist actually leaves the room so the body has time to make its own adjustments, which help relieve tension and reduce pain. You should see results within 2-3 treatments.

The Bowen technique acts as a compliment to all other methods for easing muscular pain as well as a stand-alone treatment in itself.

Bowen Therapy taking place

Sports Massage

This deep-tissue treatment works on the muscles, ligaments and tendons of the body using manipulation, stretching, compressions and friction techniques to remove nodules and tension from the muscle. The treatment can feel quite intense, but the therapist should work to a level that you find comfortable.  You can see results from one treatment depending on the severity of the issue.

Alexandra Technique

This technique corrects established defects of posture, particularly those related to the back when lying, sitting, standing, or walking. According to its deviser, the Australian therapist F.M. Alexander, the technique promotes relaxation and can help eliminate aches, pains, and other disorders associated with muscle tension and poor posture.

You will be taught how to recognise when your body is in a position that is un-natural and may cause postural problems, with verbal instruction and manual guidance the teacher will encourage you to release inappropriate tension during everyday activities.


Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. It works with the structure and function of the body and treats the body as a whole holistic system that needs everything functioning smoothly together. Osteopaths use touch, physical manipulation, stretching and massage to increase the mobility of joints, to relieve muscle tension, to enhance the blood and nerve supply to tissues, and to help your body’s own healing mechanisms. They may also provide advice on posture and exercise to aid recovery, promote health and prevent symptoms recurring.

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